
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Windows XP to be retired in 2008

Windows XP to be retired in 2008: "However, a poll released in early April suggests that Vista has yet to win over significant numbers of potential customers."

XP will be supported for a while but not loaded on new machines from 2008 onwards. Do we care? Is it a problem? Vista seems to have come onto the market with no reaction at all. I can remember when XP came onto the market there were a lot of people raving about it and a lot of people desperate to get a computer with XP. It did take over quite easily...and for a reason, people liked it, people appreciated the changes and Windows rarely( I can say never) crashes with XP. Rarely. IE 6 onwards has been another story. Unless you go Linux there really isn't another operating sysem to choose from. Microsoft being what it is can call the shots, but if Vista has not caused any excitement nor praise then it tends to suggest it's not a worthy new system. No one seems to have rushed out and bought it as with XP. People couldn't understand why I didn't get XP. I ran Millennium for ages and when I finally did get XP I loaded it on all my computers. It's good. I'd be happy to try Linux but I haven't found an easy way of doing that. Maybe I should look and see if you can get it preloaded. I think it's important not to withdraw XP until there's a thumbs up from the computing public for Vista and we do not seem to be in any hurry to change over. How come? I'm not because all my computers are fine and if I get rail roaded into having to buy Vista I shall reconsider my need for having a computer. You just can't keep on buying this and that and the other to keep it all going. It's silly. For a while now I have had stability in my purchases and I like that. It means my money can go on other holidays! Clothes. Food.

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