
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Putting comfort into notebook keyboards

Putting comfort into notebook keyboards: "NO more the cramped feeling working at your notebook computer, or the frustration of keyboard errors because of the device's flat keys."

Just what I need!! I can't believe I would have to buy a peripheral to make my flashy, shiny laptop so serviceable. I love my laptop. It's really cool and I haven't got over just thinking how sleek it is...but I tell you, I am so bad at typing with it. It makes word processing a chore and I cannot wait to transfer the files onto my desktop so I can fix up the embarrassing mess. It really is embarrassing. But it seems daft to have to buy a laptop support with proper keyboard...why not improve laptop keyboards? I am not sure why mine goes so daft. It just doesn't type properly and it's quite big enough and I don't have big , clumsy hands. One of life's strange things I guess, but at least there is a cure for it until they get better with the laptops themselves...

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