
Friday, April 20, 2007

HRT now linked to ovarian cancer

HRT now linked to ovarian cancer : "The increased risk of cancer, though, was shouldered by current HRT users, especially those who had been taking the hormones for at least five years. The risk was largely unchanged by such factors as a smoking habit or past use of oral contraceptives."
They've studied 1.3 million womwen so it's research which has a pretty strong foundation. It seems that tking HRT for 5 years can change the balance to negative impact. At least we have these studies. There is no doubt that HRT is very helpful to a number of women and makes their lives less miserable at that point of hormonal change. Other countries have noted the benefits to mwon who have stopped HRT. A 20% increase of cancer risk is really worth thinking about, but the misery of menopause for some has to be dealt with in this day and age. Increased and better research probably means we'll come up with a treatment for women which will benefit them withut driving them into the cancer zone. Maybe there can be a year on and a year off. Maybe the mix of synthetic hormones can be adjusted. Maybe we need to seriously look at the alternatives and trial them. A case of working together, but at this stage, HRT doesn't really seem to be a wise treatment, inspite of its benefits.

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