
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Food label drive comes unstuck

Food label drive comes unstuck : "'If the alternative source of produce does come in then we do need to be very aware we need to rebuild the Australian produce sector,' he said. 'We need to be very conscious of the fact that support for Australian farmers needs to extend when we rebuild our capacity.'"

When our bananas went off the market and then became exorbitantly priced because of cyclone Larry, we were not allowed to source bananas from elsewhere. We had to make do with the alternatives and it was actually hard because we live on bananas. We did it and oh what a joy to have them back in our shops. We need to address the issues with our food because we are a big country and we are facing difficulties on the land. We are going to have to look at it as we had to look at those flattened banana palms and just work out how we shall deal with it. It doesn't mean we cannot label our own food. It doesn't mean we cannot look at how we produce our food and it doesn't mean we cannot source supplies from elsewhere. We have this problem. It is not beyond us to deal with it.

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