
Monday, April 23, 2007

Businesses call for support on workplace drug issues.

Businesses call for support on workplace drug issues. : "'We do receive reports from employers that, rather than simply wanting to put an employee out the door and dismiss them, they want to help them work through a drug and alcohol issue,' he said."

Yes, drugs make a lot of money for some people and we are paying the price. We do need to look at this. I have just read an article in a magazine where the woman got herself into a high powered job and was having to take cocaine to keep up with it. Having to?! Well, yes, she could have taken something else but I think the crux of the issue is something which has started to raise its head in many places....people are being pushed too hard at work and they are too frightened to admit they can't cope incase they lose their job. Reasonable work place conditions are needed and a recognition we are human. I heard one employer saying he employed 2 people to do the work of 4 but paid them the wage of 3, so financially he was ahead. I wonder how the 2 people feel? Everyone is talking about how their workload has increased. How technology has given them more to do. How documentation to cover yourself against litigation is burning into time. People are yes, they will find things to numb themselves and force themselves to cope. The writing has been on the wall for a while. Time to stop the insanity , I think. We are ready for it. There are some good ideas coming up around the place lately. We need to get on with it now.

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