
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bushfire season extended

Bushfire season extended : "'We are simply not confident of ceasing fire restrictions when we know the threat of bushfire is still very real.'"
Sensible. So sensible. Good to tell aus, good to remind us and good to make it clear that we need to look after ourselves and our state. It is dry. People have actually enjoyed the warm, dry conditions and have profitted from them to socialise and keep fit. Early morning and late evening the walkers are out. In the morning you get the joggers too. Evening it has been families and dogs and the walks seem to be the thing which has cemented friendships and families. With the waterers as well our streets are a lot safer and isn't that how it was? People were out and about doing and being and going, so anyone who was also out there had both company and protection. Wise idea.

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