
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Basking in April's warmth

Basking in April's warmth: "'It is quite a high start to the month but we will have to see what happens at the end of the month to see if it is a hotter April than usual,' he said."

Adelaide has got the thumbs up from tourists. They cannot believe how warm and lovely it is here. People are down at the beach at 7.30 any day of the week, walking , jogging, taking the dog for a run, swimming. It really is the idyllic lifestyle that you dream off. The water is so blue and the beaches so clean and white.We are all so happy and fit at the moment. Everyone is out in their shorts or trackies and sneakers walking the walk or jogging the jog. The washing comes in nice and fresh off the line and we can sit out the back after work. Truly the good life. We look well, we feel well, and yes, we have talked about the water shortage and drought. We seem to think we need the plan which will put recycled water in our toilets and gardens. We are ready for action on this and cannot believe no one has got around to it yet. To put precious Murray water on our land seems silly and unnecessary when we have the technological alternatives. Go for it. Recycle the water and get it out to us. We have also admired the way storm water has been utilised to make beautiful wetlands for our wild life. We are really impressed with that. So yes, April and all's well.

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