
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Global Warming

Argument over Rudd-Burke dinner continues. : "The Government and the Opposition continue to argue over what happened at a dinner attended by Labor leader Kevin Rudd and disgraced former Western Australian premier Brian Burke."

Yes, well, while the men continue to be full of hot air the women of Australia are galvanising themselves into action so that we can make a real impact on climate change. We are tired of the self serving , patronising waffle and we want to make a difference. Global warming is affecting us and the men are constantly deflecting themselves from the issue into matters we can interpret readily. What we need are leaders who are committed to making a change so that the effects of global warming are addressed. I do not normally read the Womens' Weekly but my sister lent me the recent copy and I was so impressed. Women all over Australia are setting up practical avenues for addressing our climate change. It is affecting us, our coutnry, our children. We have to do something. Women with clout are regrouping themselves into the global warming action group so that we have people of substance and expertise directing the rest of us who just need dto be shown the path. It would be so fantastic if women could make a difference on a big issue like this because too often we think the men are getting it done...and quite clearly, they are not. They are too busy bickering. For once women can show what they are made of because men seem to be holding on to all these top positions to the detriment of us and our country...and our planet. Time to come out of hiding and give these guys a run for their money. All the military clap trap, the boorishness, the arguments and position bargaining are NOT addressing the thing which is of most importance to the rest of us normal folk...climate change.

Lots of information and direction is available on the Womens' Weekly site. I have such a new found respect for this magazine.

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