Australia wants to avoid Zimbabwe tour : "But, he said, 'the whole concept of the world's greatest cricket team and the biggest names in world cricket visiting Zimbabwe and giving a blessing to that country is one I feel uncomfortable with'."
I don't actually think that is the point. Our cricket team ,in particular, has been very careful not to mix sport with politics and any tours they have made have not been in support of anything other than cricket and the lovers of cricket. Our sports people are very mindful of that here. Our radio has been reporting on the situation in Zimbabwe at great length and trying to get a clear picture. For this I am grateful because our radio has gone out of its way to try and get interviews from people who can try and present information to us clearly. It seems evident that the situation is quite difficult. It is very hard to make decsions from afar. The main thing is not to send our team into a situation which would just create danger for them and difficulty for the people of Zimbabwe. I do not hink any team can be asked to perform in unstable political situations where there is a precarious balance of harmony. Major events have to be held in safe conditions and all contracts should specify that surely?
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