
Saturday, March 03, 2007

The 10 books we really can't live without

The 10 books we really can't live without:


Jane Austen

THE most famous opening line in literature. Elizabeth Bennet is Jane Austen's own favourite among all her heroines. Her romance with the very proper, but snobbish (and rich) Fitzwilliam Darcy is the smartest ever written, and among the happiest."

Jane Eyre and Harry Potter are there as is The Lord of the Rings. I'd put The Magus by John Fowles on my top 10 have to read books. In fact, I think I'll sit down and work out what I think are the most important 10 books I'd recommend. It would be interesting to look at this across cultures too so that we had a recommended reading list from different nations and languages.

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