
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Teens want bulge surgery

AdelaideNow... Teens want bulge surgery:

"In one case, an Adelaide cosmetic surgeon was forced to refuse the parent of a girl, 10, who wanted their severely obese daughter to have a tummy tuck and liposuction.

Norwood Day Surgery's Dr Mario Marzola said some parents were at their 'wits' end'."

The parents are prepared to put young children into surgery because they have become fat? Yes, they are at the end of their wits and clearly they didn't have very many. Fat kids are a product of lifestyle and parents control that life style. Fat kids are made. They are part of a regime. Now the parents want them treated surgically. I think we need to get a fat kids clinic together. A fat kids club. We need to get something trendy the kids can be enrolled into so that they can be re educated and retrained. They can also be required to meet goals in terms of health and fitness. I think we need to re educate them. Cutting them up will not re educate them and they are kids, for crying out loud. The parents have stuffed up, so let's get over it and deal with what we have in a thinking, sensible manner. Thank heaven's this has come into the news or it might have been going ahead behind our backs and it's abuse. I am glad the medical practicioners have kept their heads screwed on. Now we need to pick it up as a community.

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