
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sightings clear beaches

AdelaideNow... Sightings clear beaches:

"Many beaches along Adelaide's coastline have been closed because of shark sightings this week. There were three recorded sightings on Monday, 13 on Tuesday, six on Wednesday, four on Thursday and one on Friday."

When you fly over Australia, you realise how beautifully blue the water is. It's so impressive. We have had the shark spotters up in the air, and given the fish are plentiful, it is not surprising the sharks are cruising our coast because it's their food . It is always this time of year we have had them, and as long as we know, as long as we are kept in the loop, as long as people realise we have sharks on our coast, then we can work with the sharks and enjoy the spectacular nature of the sightings without fear of loss of life. It's great we have had the sense to get the spotters up in the air again and it was silly that we stopped it. The pilots will be enjoying some spectacular rides, but they are performing a crucial duty at the same time.

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