
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Health fears as young become screen zombies

Health fears as young become screen zombies :

"The findings, from a statewide survey of 11- to 15-year-olds, suggest students in late primary and early high school are so engrossed in sedentary screen-based recreation that it reduces their involvement in sport, music and other leisure pursuits."

They will also believe screen images and use them for their base reference. They will also form values from their screen watching. I am more concerned they are not engaging with people, whether in play, conversation or skills learning. They are very passive. We are such a clever lot, heh? The imaging will go into their heads and they will use that as truth...I wonder if they think as much as non TV /screen people? If their brains are as flexible and if they are more or less gullible? Tests are showing they are affecting their health. What about their thought? My experience with tribal people, who have no access to our gadgets, is they are far deeper and more flexible thinkers. There is a complexity to their thinking which we have lost. There is also a greater depth of understanding of human nature. Where as we label and treat it, they live and work through it.

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