
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Food and drink to top Christmas spending

AdelaideNow... Food and drink to top Xmas spending:

"Results released today from the Annual MasterCard Christmas Spend Survey, conducted by Galaxy Research and involving 1039 participants nationwide, also showed that while Aussies were bracing to spend more this Christmas, they planned to pay off debts quicker."

Money isn't everything and spending time with family and friends, enjoying their company and breaking bread with them is a good way to spend the Christmas period. It's reinforcing the strengths and ties which sustain us all year. We have lots of things. We have too much. Having and having and having isn't making us happier or better able to manage. It's the human qualities which lighten our load, which strengthen us and which make us feel good about ourselves. Part of that humanity is preparing food together, sharing food, exchanging food and drink ideas. This year we have been very animated in our conversations about Christmas fare and how to make it tasty without it dragging us down. Kids like to be a part of that preparation too. It gives them some responsibility and it makes them think about what they are eating, but it also gives them some real encouragement when everyone enjoys their contribution to Christmas.

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