
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bush wins first round in Guantanamo battle

Bush wins first round in Guantanamo battle:

"However, it is likely the commission process will be delayed until after a Supreme Court ruling on the Military Commissions Act."

Competent people are solutions based. All the legal oscillation is merely avoidance. It simply puts a set of processes in place to stop resolutions and solutions. Iraq, Guantanomo Bay, Baxter are current examples of contempory governments having no effective way of dealing with modern problems. They just let them deteriorate, they let them become destructive and then they just jam the system with bureaucratic hoo-ha so that it might appear they are doing when in fact they are creating negative impacts. Effective managers can come up with the goods, solve the problems and move on. We just keep going around and around and around and in the meantime people are damaged and systems are demonstrably lumpy. There isn't even any damage control in place.

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