
Monday, November 06, 2006

Jellyfish for heart trouble?

AdelaideNow... Jellyfish for heart trouble?:

"'In fact (in) some of the initial results ... we've isolated a compound from the box jellyfish venom which actually kills bacteria that's resistant to a lot of the medications presently used.'"

What I really like about our researchers is that they are leaving no stone unturned in their attempts to find cures for our ailments and diseases. They really are being thorough, flexible and creative. If jellyfish toxins can help heart complaints that would be wonderful because they are in pletiful supply and could be bred. I hope the funding will help them establish a viable treatement from jellyfish toxins. The box jellyfish is not very friendly and can cause heart arrest in people who are stung. It would be good to be able to redeem them in some way!

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