
Monday, October 02, 2006

Shoppers sour over fruit prices

AdelaideNow... Shoppers sour over fruit prices:

"In June, the worst frost in 24 years destroyed about a quarter of southern Australia's citrus fruit crops with oranges up by at least $1/kg to $3.50/kg."

I am so glad I have my own fruit. Enough to get by. Everyone used to grow fruit in Adelaide and I think they might have to think about it again. The winter has been frosty. The last time it happened in Adelaide I lost all my beautiful herb garden. This time it has singed a few things . We shall have to be flexible with our food!! We tend to rely on bananas and oranges a lot. I have been eating pears , as I said and you can get them at a good price. It's a matter of switching around. I confess the loss of banana cake and orange poppy see cake this winter have been felt badly!! I have made nice lemon biscuits though. Lemon poppy seed cake just isn't as nice. I guess in summer we'll be short of peaches and nectarines but, to be honest, the shop stone fruit has been very disappointing over the last 3 years or so. Too hard or too mushy or tasteless or stringy...not very nice at all. Real peaches and peacherines are brilliant.

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