
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Cyclone 'could ruin' banana industry

Cyclone 'could ruin' banana industry :

"Growers in the Innisfail and Tully regions have voiced concern over the future of the industry should crops be destroyed by another vicious storm so soon after Cyclone Larry tore through the region."

True, but there are no guarantees from the weather machine so we shall just have to look at this pragmatically and that will be difficult for the ones who suffered the damage of the cyclone. Darwin has rebuilt and recovered but we do live in weirdo weather times so we are going to have to put emotions aside and take a long hard look at the problems. It is something everyone around the world is facing and so a global approach may well have to be put together. The weather has transformed areas and if the areas remain transformed then farmers will have to change crops, practices and venues. This is where global expertise could be a boon. We are used to harsh conditions and we could help those who are having to face that. Others are used to cyclones and we can look atwhat they have done. All very simple, I know. We are talking about real people, real families, real lives. I still think that's the answer though - talking about it...and it's not as if we can't connect easily across the planet.

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