
Monday, July 03, 2006

Ban car chases

Ban car chases: coroner :

"Queensland Coroner Michael Barnes said that in the five years to 2005, 458 people were injured as a result of police pursuits in the state. From 2003 until last month, eight people had died in police pursuits."

I am reading this and there is something which doesn't sit comfortably with me. The jury in my head is open to more input. You can't argue with the figures. The 458 were injured as a result of police pursuits. So why were they pursued? Presumably because they didn't stop upon police request. So the motorists refuse to stop and so it's the fault of the police? The motorists can commit traffic offences but the police are the ones with the problem. So maybe we shouldn't have traffic laws? Or have we got laws that apply sometimes to some people but not to others? So I guess some drivers will take those calculated risks or ignore the police? I don't think that's right, but I take the point that police pursuits might increase accidents ...because the drivers are already not responisble drivers? So what is the solution? I think we need to decide whether the rules apply to evryone all of the time. I think we then need to conider what else the police can do besides pursue. While a car is in flight it may well damage others. We have certainly had plenty of examples of reckless drivers killing and maiming others without the excuse of a police pursuit goading them into it. Maybe we need satellite or other technological help.

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