
Monday, May 29, 2006

Sir, I'm afraid it's 'ringxiety'

Sir, I'm afraid it's 'ringxiety' :

"Now the phenomenon is so widespread it has an official name: 'ringxiety'.

People have grown emotionally dependent on their mobiles for feelings of self-worth, claim psychologists."

My ringxiety stems from the worry someone's mobile is going to go off in a meeting or, worse still, when they are running the meeting...and they answer it. It has happened twice in as many days where the person running the show has taken a call in the middle of their speech. I guess there is ipodxiety too for those who can't bear to face the world unplugged and that is the thing...the ring and the music make you so much more inportant that what is actually occurring. We have seriously lost it because it seems to be perfectly acceptable. I think it's the height of bad manners and very rude. Why be with others if you'd rather be plugged in?

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