
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Rent a womb

Infertile Westerners outsourcing childbearing to India :

"She'll be paid about $5,000 for acting as a surrogate mother, a bonanza that would take her more than six years to earn on her salary as a schoolteacher in a village near here. ''I might renovate or add to the house, or spend it on my kids' education or my daughter's wedding,' Mehli said."

Reproductive tourism as it is euphemistically called is becoming a reliable means of income for people who remain fertile while the rich west suffers increasingly from infertility or lack of time to actually reproduce. Sperm is also sold for women who wish to get pregnant and that is something which happens here as well but we don't seem to have a lot of donors. If nothing else it is paving the way to the baby factories we have all read about. The natural process of mating and reproducing is already becoming a thing of the past. All sorts of modern inventions have stopped that and changed our lives. For people like this Indian lady it is a source of pride and happiness that in this way she can provide for her own life and family. Would we deny her that? Outsourcing pregnancy is something which will change us all.

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