
Monday, April 10, 2006

In Zimbabwe, life ends before 40

In Zimbabwe, life ends before 40 :

"The average Zimbabwean woman is dying at 34, figures published on Friday in the World Health Organisation annual report for 2006 said. Zimbabwean men can expect to live only to 37."

A lot of these women are dying in childbirth and that is so tragic since we have come laong past that stage for other women in other countries. There are so many things we could be working towrds in the world. There are so many anomalies in our world and accident of birth is one of them. We do not need to visit pain and suffering on others, we have a world where it exists and we let it exist. Swaziland has even lower numbers on life expectancy. It is not only important for the African Governments to protect their people, it is up to us to make a way of supporting and helping them with our knowledge. Team effort, folks, these women do not need to die...nor do they need to have the shortest lifespan of any women in the world.

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