
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Police to name and shame teens

The Advertiser: Police to name and shame teens :

"Mr Rann said he anticipated the 'naming and shaming' would only be used in extreme cases.

'For most youths the introduction of the good behaviour agreements between them and the police will provide the first step,' he said.

'If that doesn't work, if they are just too bloody minded or too feral, the next stage is an Anti-Social Behaviour Order by a court.

'The next step, the final step, is the naming and shaming."

Don't see the problem if it part of a clearly outlines series of steps and procedures designed to turn people around. One thing people have relied upon is that we shall keep it quiet and we shall pretend it didn't happen or, worse still, we shall be the ones to fix the mess and the damage caused by kids who have no boundaries. One of their best lines being, they are just a kids. Seems to excuse everything and yet, you look around you,and most kids are fantastic and have got decent lives built on a good mix of fun, futures and frolicking.

I confess, though, I was completely gobsmacked last night during the opening ceremony in Torino...which was brilliant, loved it, when they revved up that astounding red Lamborghini...drove it out onto the stadium...and we all thought it would do some laps or a bit of revving and cruising. You could hear the crowd dribbling and the gasps and feel the awesome experience it was for them...then we were all struck dumb. They took a fantastically brilliant Lamborghini and did donuts!! The crowd was as silent as I was. Their mouths would have been catching flies like mine. Donuts? In a Lamborghini??? You'd expect it in an old Monaro with the boom box blaring and the guy in the hoodie or torn sleeved shirt with half his six pack sitting squat on the front seat...but a shiny , new, dazzling Lamborghini...nup!!

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