
Monday, February 06, 2006


Downer deflects AWB questions:

"'If Mr Rudd and Mr Beazley ... had had their way, Saddam Hussein would still be in power, the rorts and the corruption would still be taking place, the Palestinian suicide bombers would still be financed by Saddam Hussein - all of that has come to an end.'"

And Saddam Hussein is alive and well and performing at his trial. Oussama bin Pimpernel still eludes the coalition of the willing. We have replaced Saddam Hussein's regime with what? How many dead Iraqis? How many dead soldiers? How much destruction of schools and hospitals? How much destruction of the Iraqi heritage, their textiles, their libraries, their treasures? Are they still using their money? The invasion has cost 585 billion dollars. How many people would that feed? How well could that money be used in New Orleans? How much medicine would it buy? Other middle eastern leaders just seem to topple over. How come Saddam Hussein costs this much? $300,000,000 dollars is a lot of zeros to explain. Wouldn't it have been easier just to pay it to our farmers??? I'm still not listening and just as well, it's a bit hard to get into your ears.

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