
Monday, January 02, 2006

Zen Garden

We were let outside today. It has been way too hot, way too wet or we have been celebrating, so we all had a big surprise today when the weather turned up with a brilliant day. Oh!! We can go outside! So we did. Most of us were over at Bunnings buying plants, fencing, lumps of timber, potting soil. No matter how old or how young, we were all over there looking, admiring, consulting. I came home with the wherewithal to build my Zen tabletop garden. The centrepiece was a Christmas present and I thought I would make a little garden to show it off. I am not sure the bamboo will be able to stay. I may have to find something else. My bamboo grows really well indoors, but even though there is plenty of shade, the warm winds might get to it. I can't wait for it all to grow and I have a couple of other little ideas in mind. I thoroughly enjoyed putting it together and choosing the things to make it work. Posted by Picasa

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