
Friday, December 16, 2005

TV show creates real problems for residents.

TV show creates real problems for residents. :

"'They start work setting the site up with all their technical people and their labourers and I think their last show went for over 14 days I think, it might have been 17 days, and when they start shooting it is 24-7.'"

It's a moot point , isn't it, whether rate paying residents have rights over TV and film producers. Location shooting happens a lot and I wonder how many people suffer in silence, how many people are excited by the prospect and how many are left with mess to clean up or profits to count? Are there rules and regulations which govern location shooting? Don't people have to give permission and agree? Surely there is paperwork to be filled out? Are people given notice? Are they consulted or told? What are ratepayer rights? I know some areas are really excited when the film cres come to teon, but some areas would not tolerate an influx of TV and film hype very well simply because of where they are situated. I know the people in Vanuatu were quite proud of Hideaway Island having been filmed there and they were pleased to show off the location. There was some kind of island in joke that I didn't get...they knew something about it I didn't and you kind of got the idea they thought it was a bit of a joke for people to be doing that for entertainment. I daresay they would have watched and nothing would have passed them by. Hugely polite but exceedingly perceptive.

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