
Thursday, December 08, 2005

Jellyfish stings signal nasty season ahead

Jellyfish stings signal nasty season ahead :

"Dr Gershwin said at least 10 jellyfish species caused irukandji syndrome Australia-wide and five of them existed in Queensland.

Irukandji syndrome is characterised by severe lower back pain, excruciating muscle cramps in legs, arms, abdomen and chest and nausea, vomiting, headaches and palpitations."

We've been getting a lot of jellyfish stings in Queensland. Whats with the jellyfish everywhere around the world? For us it's earlieer than ususal so people have been caught unawares. The jelly fish seem to be out and about in the South Pacific area too. People are going to have to be careful. Jelly fish stings not only hurt, some can be dangerous. So what are the tips and tricks? We use vinegar on the non serious ones.

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