
Sunday, November 20, 2005


I was a bit miffed I didn't take my camera out with me today because there was a really friendly Wattlebird around the shops. Wattlebirds are adjusting well to our urban areas. I have two that drive me crazy at home by tapping on my kitchen window in the hope of being fed. They are incredibly persistent. My friend's husband can hold out his hand and they come and fly down to him to get scraps and will "kiss" him on the cheek. They seem to be very at home with humans. They have loose red bits on the side of their heads like chickens and are quite funny birds to watch and look at. The one at the shops was very at home with its urban environment, but our shops have big trees and lawn areas too which is fantastic. The little kids appreciate it too. Today was very mild, so everyone was kicking back and relaxing and the atmosphere was great. Everyone was chatty and friendly but wanted to go out to eat and solicalise as well as get the all important bargains. Most of us were out trying to get a head start on Christmas! I must say our shops have put some real life and feeling into Christmas this year. It's not just about baubles and bling...some of the displays are there just to be artistic and attractive and to give some sense of meaning to us. The colours and elements have been well chosen. Adelaide is looking very tasteful!

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