
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Students caught smoking drugs on Fiji trip

Students caught smoking drugs on Fiji trip :

"'It's always a bad idea for young people to be messing with drugs, and it's an unbelievably stupid idea to be messing with drugs when you are overseas.'"

I think it's a bit unfair to single out one school and target them as though they are the ones who have lost it. If you read the article, the headmaster is as non plussed as we are about young people. It is odd they would do this on a school trip and think it's okay. It's horrendous they are doing it overseas in the light of all that has happened recently. Now I do not think it is a particular problem of these particular students. It's a problem we have as a nation. We have been frustrated with young people speeding, driving into trees, taking the wrong tablets at the wrong place... We have yet another example of young people thinking they may do as they please , when they please and that rules and social behaviour belong to everyone else but not to them. The parents and the school have done the right thing, but the kids are doing as they wish. What can we do? We are holding up the stop sign and there is a group of young people who just plant their foot on the accelerator. This is the behaviour we have not been able to break. You would think death penalties and 25-20 years in jail might be enough to put the fear of God into them, but no. So what can people who are in charge of young people do? We have to change this. It really is self destructive and other people destructive behaviour. How much time and money is it costing trying to get these young people to see sense? Most young people aren't like it, but there is a trigger which sets off a group of them . What is it? Adolescents have always rattled the bars and tested the limits of their society, but these ones , and others we read about daily, are just plain reckless.It's almost worth rounding a group of them up and putting them in a Big Brother house and studying them 24/7 to try and work out what makes them tick.

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