
Friday, November 11, 2005

Megamart goes Harvey Norman

Australian IT - Megamart goes Harvey Norman :

"'We have to double the business, otherwise they won't succeed,' he said. 'We obviously think we can but ask me in six months and I'll tell you if we're smart or dumb.'"

I can't see Harvey Norman failing. I used to be very lukewarm about Harvey Norman and was less than impressed when one of their giant box stores blotted our horizon. It still does...not really a tree or plant insight. I hate the concrete and bitumen look. Still, once inside it's a lovely wonderland and the sales people are very helpful. They don't bother you if you don't want to be bothered and are great if you want help. Their success, from my point of view, is they accept certain things. They realise you are a person. Some days you are in there to buy and some days to look and some days to compare prices and products. They do not pressure a sale. To me this is critical. They also give you a good atmosphere to operate it. It's very positive. Everything looks cared for and organised and the displays are inspiring at times. I love looking at the furniture and how they display their settings. The new digital camera "island" we have at our store has a really buzzy atmosphere and people just flock to it. It's like you are allowed to belong to it. I had gone to several stores last weekend before I bought my NEC laptop from Harvey Norman, so I hadn't actually planned to buy it there. I bought it there because they had choices, I could see what they had for sale, the guy was very clear in his answers to my questions and he was animated and interested and cottoned on very quickly as to what would suit me. He knew his products and that is crucial. He then was cheery and polite. That really helps. Best thing was he felt as excited about my laptop as I was. He could tell it meant something to me. So when you get service like that, you are not frightened to purchase and you come back home feeling really happy. Harvey Norman is one of those places which has won me over and doesn't even have to pay me to talk well of them. I have always responded to salespeople who are genuine and know their job. Radio Rentals is very similar in its approach. There is a lot to be said for pride in your store and products.

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