
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Costello attacks WA on uranium ban

The Advertiser: Costello attacks WA on uranium ban :

"'This is great news for Australia because we've got the reserves. What is stupid is if we had all of these reserves and all of these markets and for ideology people said 'we're not allowed to sell it to them'."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the government which was telling us we were not teaching values? Now we have a state with values and they are "ideology people" for upholding what they believe to be true? Of course, if there is money to be made, there shouldn't be any values?! The difficulty with uranium is yes, it can be used for energy and it can supply vast amounts of energy at good prices...BUT, as you know, it can also be used for nuclear weapons. There is no clear explanation how you can sell it for good purposes and not for bad. This is our dilemma and as "ideological people" we are probably thinking of everyone's good health, safety and capacity to remain in one piece without glowing in the dark for years to come. By all means open up the debate and clarify our sticking points, but don't make ideology sound like it's wrong and superfluous to requirements.

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