
Monday, October 31, 2005

Parties unite to save Van Nguyen.

Parties unite in bid to save death row Aussie. :

"'The evil traffickers who profit from the misery of others and with the death of this young Australian - there is every likelihood should that occur - their criminal activities will go unpunished.'"

I am very proud to be an Australian today. There is a story behind this case and the young man has been very stupid to carry drugs in a country which everyone knows has tough penalties. But people around the age of 16-25 are not noted for their sensible decision making these days(my blog is testament to it!) and every nation has plenty of examples of this. They have been brought up in a very commercial world whose traditions and rules have been challenged and deconstructed. Singapore has its laws and we know that. What makes me proud is so many people have tried to plea for clemency in order to give a 25 year old a chance to change and learn from the big mistake he made. He is not a hardened criminal and he is part of the massive network which ensnares our young for great financial gain at the top. I am also proud because our parliament has unfailingly worked together on this and realised the whole issue is our problem as well as a world problem. The lawyer , Lex Lazry was given a proper hearing by the Singporean High Commissioner, Joseph Koh, which demonstrates Mr. Koh has taken his job and position very seriously and shown us all considerable respect. I hope this will give the poor mother a little bit of comfort to know that she is not standing alone, because she, more than anyone, is being punished dreadfully for being a mother. She must know now we are all thinking about her , that we care , and like her, we can only wait for the story to unfold.

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