
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Makeovers to get sick Scots back to work News - Health - Makeovers to get sick Scots back to work:

"THE extent of Scotland's dependency culture has been revealed with research shothan 70% of working-age people in one of the country's most deprived areas are receiving state benefits for ill health."

This is a great idea and this article was still available to me today! Some areas do create a culture where people become dependent for all sorts of reasons. Lack of money and hope often lead to people giving up. If it takes a hold of a community it becomes a way of life. Communities can create an atmosphere whether it be a good one or a bad one. It makes sense to go in a restructure the community and individuals to try and turn some of the thinking and approach around. When people give up on themselves and life they do need a motivator and a set of reasons to grab hold of life again. Most people like to work. It gives them friends and something to moan about! It gives them money to pay for basics and the special things they want. It can give them a better sense of self. You can't do a blanket approach. You do have to adopt this Scottish approach and target individuals because then you create the momentum within the community through a snowballing effect. We do need to go back to communtiy approaches to problems because a lot of individuals are just swamped by an "economy" and can't see where they fit or even why they should. So the cognitive restructuring and the therapeutic intervention will enable people to realign themselves and their crooked , self defeating thinking.

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