
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Huntington's Disease

Fresh hope on brain disease :

"Neuroscientists have shown that the anti-depressant drug Prozac protects laboratory mice against the devastating hereditary brain disorder Huntington's disease."

The research findings of these Austrlian scientists seem to be heartening and considering it is with the much maligned Prozac...well, maybe Porzac has a good use! It it helps the brain degeneration in sufferers of Huntington's disease , that's a good thing. I like idea, too, that our scientists are look at what works rather than running along in a groove. Australians often make breakthroughs because they are innovative and unhampered in their thinking. It really is about what works and not about what ought to work.

We have to make breakthroughs with these sorts of illnesses because I am listening to friends and colleagues who are trying to work, bring up their families and then care for parents with dementia, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. It is very hard on them. They are watching their parents fall apart but are being very positive in their caring and managing of this stage of their life. You can see the strain it puts on. I sit there some days and have the oddest thought. My father died when I was young of a heart attack and my mother died of cancer. Both of these things were awful events in my life and huge losses, but I listen to people talk of their parents with Alzheimer's or whatever and I am always glad my parents didn't get those diseases. Cancer was hideous, but the time frame was 6 months. These other people have parents with degenerative dieases and it goes on and on and their parents become shells and they become so sad and frustrated.I shouldn't have to think my parents were better off having a heart attack or dying in 6 months of cancer, but it all becomes relative. We need more ways of preventing and treating these diseases. This Prozac breakthough might give us some clues.

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