
Sunday, September 11, 2005

Star power energizes US anger over hurricane relief

Star power energizes US anger over hurricane relief :

"While not directly criticizing the relief effort, she said: 'This makes me so mad. This should not have happened.' Winfrey added: 'I think we all -- this country owes these people an apology.'"

As these stars mobilise themselves to bring some dignity and relief to those who have been suffering so much from the hurricane and its social fall out, they are making that apology quite public. As Americans they are going to help their own people and they are getting out of their comfort zone to do it. They have shown themselves to be well organised, practical and down to earth. This has to hearten the people who were involved in the hurricane and it has to help them to carry on to see peole liek Oprah Wifrey, John Travolta and Sean Penn and the others get in there and get them help. Farm Aid has also started up again with John Cougar Mellencamp, Willy Nelson and Neil Young. These people are all moving themselves to restore some balance and get everyone back up on their feet. With prime movers like that the apology to those people is resounding loud and clear. When the chips are down , you get in there and help.

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