
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Indonesia's global role

The Jakarta Post - Indonesia 'must play leading global role':

"'Speaking about changes, people are usually faced with three options: whether we should be part of the change, follow the change or lead the change. Indonesia, God willing, surely cannot only be a follower in the changing world but, as former president Sukarno and others showed us, we should be able to lead on certain issues in international relations. This is our ultimate goal, and we can only achieve it if we are doing well at home, such as creating good governance, so we can have strength, capacity and credibility to do more in world affairs,' he said."

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is discussing the role for Indonesia in the world. So far, with the Aceh peace deal in Helsinki they are showing a pretty sound protocol and plan for dealing with long term, violent disputes. When the signing was shown on TV you could see that the mediator in Helsinki was so touched and moved and proud of the fact two violently opposed groups could reach an agreement and feel free to speak their minds. That's the key. This is where Indonesia may well serve as a model of good practice. But the unfortunate occurrence of the tsunami has put Idonesia in a global focal position too. Knowing about people , knowing about how they go about things, know who they are and where they are helps. Many Indonesians helped our aid workers up there even though they had absolutely nothing themselves. Many Indonesians have a resilience which we have lost. Indonesia is many things. And the President talks of reform as well. Well, I recommend laughter as I said before. Indonesia will find its place as it continues to come out of itself and make itself known to others.

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