
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Germ-Fighting Undies

British Soldiers Get Germ-Fighting Undies - Yahoo! News:

"LONDON - British troops combating the heat and dust of
Iraq and Afghanistan have a new weapon in their armory — germ-fighting underwear. The antimicrobial underpants have been introduced by the Ministry of Defense as part of a new desert uniform for soldiers. They are the first undergarments issued to British troops, who traditionally have had to supply their own."

I got this via a link from Slashdot. It reads very funnily. Silver impregnated undies for germ fighting is a bizarre image, but still. Bottom line?? :) All soldiers should have them. At various times I have had relatives in the clean up of Cyclone Tracy in Darwin and surveying in New Ginea. One thing they could have done with is something to combat hot, humid, unpleasant conditions. The rellie from the cyclone clean up suffered mercilessly from a nasty tropical crotch rash for years after. The PNG one broke out with one after he got back and was luckier. It cleared up after a year. So, for all those poor humans who are required to serve in unpleasant climates , these silver undies will be a godsend. Inhabitants of these areas wear light cotton clothing, or tribal clothing or very loose clothing. Military wear is totally inappropriate for these areas, so some thought about creature comfort is going to be welcome. Bad enough they put their lives at risk, to have avoidable itchy scratchies which they have to endure is the pits.

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