
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Alzheimer's hope

Protein discovery offers Alzheimer's hope :

"Australian scientists have made an significant discovery which could lead to a new treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

After a 17-year search, they have identified a protein in the brain which makes the illness get worse."

Well, I hope this molecule will be the one to make the brekthough because Alzheimer's is a sad, sad illness for all concerned. Last I heard it was caused by brain gravel. I have never forgotten that because I have been very wondering ever since how to stop gravel getting into my brain and how to know if it's there and if I have a glytchy moment I think it's the gravel taking a hold. The aluminium saucepan theory had nowhere near as bad an effect on me. I threw my aluminium saucepans out years ago because I could taste them tainting the food. The brain gravel, though, no, I have never forgotten that. there still brain gravel or is the new molecule it? Or possibly it? Like cancer, we need a cure for this one.

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