
Monday, July 25, 2005

City that's always in sale mode

The Advertiser: City that's always in sale mode :

"ADELAIDE is earning a reputation for a being a city constantly on sale with retailers admitting they are being forced into a bidding war to attract customers."

It's true and we are always out there getting the bargains and it is something we have talked about how the sales are always on now. We've lost the pattern of the seasons so sales can't particularly fall in with that, but stock rotates too fast so when I was looking for summer gear to take away I couldn't find it and guess what...I bought it overseas. So there needs to be a good long look at this. What is at the bottom of it all? We don't mind spending, but do the stores need higher profits? Why? Are the rents going up because of property development? Are there too many of the same sorts of shops? One problem I have highlighted before and that is the Mall has been swarming with kids. No balance in the clientele so those shops with be struggling to sell items people are now buying elsewhere because they want a mixed crowd. Time to look at it because Adelaide has been a good place to shop but it has gone a bit silly in a way. Needs to be looked from a number of perspectives too, because the tourists coming in may be looking for different things and the make up of Adelaide has certainly changed over the last few years and maybe we haven't caught up with that.

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