
Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sunset Boulevarde

I thoroughly enjoyed Gloria Swanson's excessive performance in this film. Great walk down memory lane to see from where so much of our modern day histrionics are derived. Then I started thinking of films like :

Whatever happened to Baby Jane

and the thought occurred to me that since women have been liberated our front runners simply are no longer women of substance. When you see Gloria Swanson, Bette Davis, Marlene Dietrich, Katherine Hepburn, Lauren Bacall,Audrey Hepburn,Jean Harlowe, Bette Grable, Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwick, Margaret Rutherford, Greta Garbo... you can see these firmly supported women had substance, character,strong personalities, brains, families, fame, fortune,ambiton, drive, influence,style,a strong sense of self and their own sexuality. They could totally be themselves,hold compelling conversations ( I vant to be alone...???) and were inspirational. What happened???

 Posted by Hello

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