
Thursday, March 17, 2005

PM won't promise `no more troops'

The Advertiser: PM won't promise `no more troops' [17mar05]:

"He said he could only repeat what he said after announcing the deployment of 450 troops last month. 'We do not have any current plans to increase the number but I can't rule out some change in the future and I do not intend to do so,' he said."

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
The more things change, the more things stay the same.

Been there, done that!!

1916 24th August -British War Office cables Australia for more men.

We put more and more men into Turkey at the time and we narrowly defeated a move to bring in conscription on 28th October 1916. Later it was brought in and it came down to the women in Australia being very proactive and fighting their own battle to save their men and their country from the folly it had subscribed to. We don’t need to play ground hog day. It’s people’s lives we are talking about here.

"Australia lost a whole generation of men, 58,961 were never to come home and 166,811 were casualties coming home from the war with broken minds and bodies."

Anzac Day

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