
Sunday, March 06, 2005


Hubble you’re in trouble
You’re degenerate and old
No longer valued, past your prime
You’ll be left out in the cold
Labelled too outdated
Not warranting repair
You might be spiflicated
And scattered through the air
You’ve taught us well the wonders
Of an expanding universe
Honoured and revered for years
Now NASA’s closed its purse
Your contribution to cosmology
Is unparalleled to date
To suffer such indignity
Is an ignominious fate
Dismissed as Hubble huggers
Should we defend your authority
But you’ve enlightened us each day
About large scale galaxies
That we respect your learned teaching
Know you’re a wonder of our world
Should not surprise the scholars
Who love the knowledge you’ve unfurled
In truth you’re not organic
You’re a heavenly hard-wired hunk
But what an outrageous broadside
To think you’re throw away, dispensable junk.

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