
Friday, March 11, 2005

Climate Change - An Australian Guide to the Science and Potential Impacts

Climate Change - An Australian Guide to the Science and Potential Impacts:

"This guide sets out the main facts and uncertainties regarding climate change, and helps provide Australians with policy-relevant, but not policy-prescriptive, advice and source material. It is largely based on, and consistent with, the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC TAR) published in 2001. However, this guide has been substantially updated with relevant summaries of the latest international and Australian observations, scientific developments, and studies regarding the impacts of, and adaptation to climate change in Australia."

In spite of us bullheadedly not signing the Kyoto protocol, we have made an effort in recent years to help our environment and our climate. As a general population we are aware there are issues and want to be involved in positive action. As Australians we have tried to be more careful and to follow advice. Our kids have been on the ball too. It really didn't make sense for us , as a nation, not to sign that because we have cared about the ozone layer etc. We are trying to get our act together with regard to climate science...but thanks government for telling me about this brochure!!! I had no idea and it's actually a good thing you have done. I get ot hear all the crap...I never hear the good things like this.

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