
Tuesday, February 15, 2005


By george I think they've got it!! I can post properly again but I dare not fiddle with that Valentine post again for fear of loosing the rabid Blogger Beast of the java nullpoint script. It had been blogging hell . Supposed to be all roses and hearts and lovely. Oh's not perfect and my lessons in patience and tolerance over the last couple of days have taught me that. We are all still pretty outraged and angry about Cornelia Rau. The longer it has existed , the more it has sunk in that some poor mentally ill woman has not only been denied her family , she has been denied medical treatment, medication, psychological support and in exchange, our government offered her a stay in a women's prison and then 10 months in Baxter Detention Centre. It has become so obvious everyone except immigration officials noticed she was very ill. It has become clear any number of people held out the hand of human kindness and cared so much they put themselves at risk at times trying to get professional help for Cornelia. Not easy for prisoners and detainees to speak out and up. Not these days. Cornelia's case is holding a mirror up to Australia and we do not like the reflection we are seeing. We have come to this.Normal Australians are making the changes. Some politicians are finding it hard to get in touch with their feelings. There has been some mobilisation into mental health issues and that is a very positive thing because we have pooled our thoughts and have a much better way of dealing with mental illness issues. We always skirted around them with a bit of awkwardness. Not now. Oddly enough Cornelia has given us the strength to speak more clearly and act more kindly. It's pretty sad that cases alike this and events like the tusnami have to happen so we get in real touch with ourselves and others and feel so much better and stronger for it. Everyone benefits when we co operate and care.

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