
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson

I have never been a fan, but I do understand why he had such an impact at the top of his career. He was unique...but it was that uniqueness and money pulling power which became the driving force for the tragic life he has led. I just feel sorry. He never got the chance to make peace with himself and his life. He never got the chance to come to terms with all the things which were clearly troubling him. He was forced behind one image or another and the real Michael Jackson got broken...whoever he was. He was disturbed and haunted and I never saw any attempt to really help him. He was too much of a sensation. Too much of a money spinner. I hope he is acknowledged for his artistic merit and I hope he has a chance to be at peace. I'd like to think that what he couldn't sort out on earth he can resolve from where he is now. It's a sad, sad tale of a most dazzling butterfly.

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