
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Digital daftness

"Television viewers have been bombarded with a series of advertisements over recent weeks warning them that the analogue signal will be switched off today and urging them to buy set-top converter boxes if they do not want to lose reception."

Yes, we have the same thing here. Mad scramble to stay connected to the TV signal, though in the process, most of us have worked out that television is somewhat passé and we don't use it a lot. Too negative and too format thinking. Here most people have HD TVs because they have bought plasmas and LCDs already. I still have my old big box that weighs a ton and works well. It is not a top priority to replace it. The SD set top box was working well and then the picture was breaking up, so I got a new HD set top box and now have a smaller square picture or smaller rectangular picture. I love our new, improved technology. No, I do not need a HDTV yet...they cost a lot. I'd rather have my new laptop thank you. What I do appreciate is there is a good price range on set top boxes so most people will be able to get one. It is important for people to have TV even if it isn't much cop at the moment. It can be a diversion if you don't have a computer and find yourself by yourself.

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