
Friday, April 10, 2009

Extreme callers

"The 73-year-old woman, who phoned her son up to 49 times a day was fined 360 euros ($478) by the court in the southern city of Klagenfurt."
I wish some people would behave themselves. They think because they have your phone number they can ring whenever they please and as often as they please...and leave messages or not and then ring friends or family if you do not answer. These extreme callers are obsessed and irrational. They do not behave in a reasonable manner and maybe taking them to court is what we have to do. When the line comes up "private" then  it's hard to know or prove who is ringing. I expect people to leave a message these days. When you get someone though who rings every 15 or 20 minutes it is unbearable. I used to have a phone where you could turn off the sound. My cordless can't be turned off at the base and then you get the answering machine and the rattle or not of the messages. It is behviour which has come about since we have had phones and it is just very tough because you cannot deal with it reasonably because you will be at fault even when you do ring back...but I  lose interest in obsessive callers, family or not. There has to be a way to fix this.

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