
Friday, September 19, 2008


Super snoopers in parking blitz - Technology -
Another bonus for the councils is they don't have to pay for the installation. Instead, the North Sydney-based company selling the devices, Vehicle Monitoring Systems, receives a proportion of the revenue from the fines issued.

Never ceases to amaze me how scurrilous people are in taking advantage of the general population. It's all based on the theory of getting a lot of people to pay a bit and then you make a huge profit as you provide a "service". Never give a sucker an even break. The parking overstay detection systems have over doubled the revenue for councils which are using them in Victoria and then the Sydney based company is making its profit off the back of the dopey public who overstay their parking by so much as a second. If what comes around goes around then the people who are inventing these low maintenance get rich schemes are in for an interesting time down the track.

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