
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Nuts to you from the USA

US to give world more nuts than Iran | The Australian
He said this year's crop was mostly affected by winter cold and that farmers should also expect "a bad two years ahead due to water shortages, increased costs and inflation."

Countries can no longer rely on traditional export crops because of bizarre weather conditions. We have a lot of USA grapes here and yet we grow grapes...millions of them, so sometimes it is hard to work out what is determining he market. Our wheat took a tumble and then our bananas...yes, we had no bananas...sorry, can't help myself tonight because food is food and when primary industry is hit then a nation's economy is disadvantaged. It would be interesting to know how this is all panning out around the world. We cannot rely on citrus because of the weather conditions. All these crops countries have relied on forever are seemingly up the spout. Makes it hard.

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