
Monday, September 01, 2008

Manufactured food

Former Woolies boss predicts end of local food industry - ABC News
Mr Clairs told ABC1's Four Corners program that many smaller suppliers have been squeezed out by global food manufacturers.

Then buy locally and don't buy manufactured food. You can manage and sometimes you do want authentic Japanese or Chinese noodles. If we prepare meals and if we create the market for local produce then those companies will survive. There are companies here which make spaghetti sauces, BBQ sauces and what have you. Our local green grocer has great choices in produce and many shop there . Others shop at the supermarket because it's easier with one trolley. We have started to think about what is going into our mouths and about time. Food magazines are walking out the shops so I assume people are interested in cooking for themselves. Maybe they just sit and read them and feel healthier for having done that?! 2008 is about change and we are thinking about what these changes mean for us . We have woken up in that respect. Global companies can't survive unless we buy the stuff...and they are about giving us what they want us to want.

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